Class SingleEntryModuleLibrary

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SingleEntryModuleLibrary
    extends ModuleLibrary
    Single entry module library
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleEntryModuleLibrary

        public SingleEntryModuleLibrary​(FilePath library,
                                        java.util.Set<FilePath> javadoc,
                                        java.util.Set<FilePath> source,
                                        java.lang.String scope)
        Creates single entry module library
        library - a path to jar or class folder in idea format
        javadoc - paths to javadoc jars or javadoc folders
        source - paths to source jars or source folders
        scope - scope
      • SingleEntryModuleLibrary

        public SingleEntryModuleLibrary​(FilePath library,
                                        FilePath javadoc,
                                        FilePath source,
                                        java.lang.String scope)
        Creates single entry module library
        library - a path to jar or class folder in idea format
        javadoc - path to javadoc jars or javadoc folders
        source - paths to source jars or source folders
        scope - scope
      • SingleEntryModuleLibrary

        public SingleEntryModuleLibrary​(FilePath library,
                                        java.lang.String scope)
        Creates single entry module library
        library - a path to jar or class folder in Path format
        scope - scope
    • Method Detail

      • getModuleVersion

        public ModuleVersionIdentifier getModuleVersion()
        Module version of the library, if any.
      • getLibraryFile

        public getLibraryFile()
        Returns a single jar or class folder
      • getJavadocFile

        public getJavadocFile()
        Returns a single javadoc jar or javadoc folder
      • getSourceFile

        public getSourceFile()
        Returns a single source jar or source folder