Interface ResourceFilter

  • public interface ResourceFilter
    The gradle DSL model of an Eclipse resource filter. This allows specifying a filter with a custom matcher and configuring whether it is an include/exclude filter that applies to files, folders, or both. The following example excludes the 'node_modules' folder.
     plugins {
         id 'java'
         id 'eclipse'
     eclipse {
       project {
         resourceFilter {
           appliesTo = 'FOLDERS'
           type = 'EXCLUDE_ALL'
           matcher {
             id = 'org.eclipse.ui.ide.multiFilter'
             // to find out which arguments to use, configure the desired
             // filter with Eclipse's UI and copy the arguments string over
             arguments = '1.0-name-matches-false-false-node_modules'
    • Method Detail

      • getAppliesTo

        ResourceFilterAppliesTo getAppliesTo()
        Indicates whether this ResourceFilter applies to files, folders, or both. Default is FILES_AND_FOLDERS
      • getType

        ResourceFilterType getType()
        Specifies whether this ResourceFilter is including or excluding resources. Default is EXCLUDE_ALL
      • isRecursive

        boolean isRecursive()
        Indicates whether this ResourceFilter applies recursively to all children of the project it is created on. Default is true.
      • setRecursive

        void setRecursive​(boolean recursive)
        Sets whether this ResourceFilter applies recursively or not.
      • matcher

        ResourceFilterMatcher matcher​(Action<? super ResourceFilterMatcher> configureAction)
        Configures the matcher of this resource filter. Will create the matcher if it does not yet exist, or configure the existing matcher if it already exists.
        configureAction - The action to use to configure the matcher.