Interface JavaToolchainSpec

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface JavaToolchainSpec
    extends Describable
    Requirements for selecting a Java toolchain.

    A toolchain is a JRE/JDK used by the tasks of a build. Tasks may require one or more of the tools (javac, java, or javadoc) of a toolchain. Depending on the needs of a build, only toolchains matching specific characteristics can be used to run a build or a specific task of a build.

    Even though specification properties can be configured independently, the configuration must follow certain rules in order to form a specification.

    A JavaToolchainSpec is considered valid in two cases:

    • when no properties have been set, i.e. the specification is empty;
    • when language version has been set, optionally followed by setting any other property.

    In other words, if a vendor or an implementation are specified, they must be accompanied by the language version. An empty specification in most cases corresponds to the toolchain that runs the current build.

    Usage of invalid instances of JavaToolchainSpec is deprecated and will be removed in the future versions of Gradle.

    • Method Detail

      • getLanguageVersion

        Property<JavaLanguageVersion> getLanguageVersion()
        The exact version of the Java language that the toolchain is required to support.
      • getVendor

        Property<JvmVendorSpec> getVendor()
        The vendor of the toolchain.

        By default, toolchains from any vendor are eligible.

        Note that the vendor can only be configured if the language version is configured as well.

      • getImplementation

        Property<JvmImplementation> getImplementation()
        The virtual machine implementation of the toolchain.

        By default, any implementation (hotspot, j9, ...) is eligible.

        Note that the implementation can only be configured if the language version is configured as well.

      • getDisplayName

        default java.lang.String getDisplayName()
        Description copied from interface: Describable
        Returns the display name of this object. It is strongly encouraged to compute it lazily, and cache the value if it is expensive.
        Specified by:
        getDisplayName in interface Describable
        the display name