Interface JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails

  • public interface JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails
    Details for generating Java-based application start scripts.
    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationName

        java.lang.String getApplicationName()
        The display name of the application
      • getOptsEnvironmentVar

        java.lang.String getOptsEnvironmentVar()
        The environment variable to use to provide additional options to the JVM
      • getExitEnvironmentVar

        java.lang.String getExitEnvironmentVar()
        The environment variable to use to control exit value (windows only)
      • getMainClassName

        java.lang.String getMainClassName()
      • getDefaultJvmOpts

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getDefaultJvmOpts()
      • getClasspath

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getClasspath()
        The classpath, relative to the application home directory.
      • getModulePath

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getModulePath()
        The module path, relative to the application home directory.
      • getScriptRelPath

        java.lang.String getScriptRelPath()
        The path of the script, relative to the application home directory.
      • getAppNameSystemProperty

        java.lang.String getAppNameSystemProperty()
        This system property to use to pass the script name to the application. May be null.