Class Specs


public class Specs extends Object
Provides a number of Spec implementations.
  • Field Details


      public static final Spec<Object> SATISFIES_ALL

      public static final Spec<Object> SATISFIES_NONE
  • Constructor Details

    • Specs

      public Specs()
  • Method Details

    • satisfyAll

      public static <T> Spec<T> satisfyAll()
    • satisfyNone

      public static <T> Spec<T> satisfyNone()
    • convertClosureToSpec

      public static <T> Spec<T> convertClosureToSpec(Closure<?> closure)
    • intersect

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Spec<T> intersect(Spec<? super T>... specs)
      Returns a spec that selects the intersection of those items selected by the given specs. Returns a spec that selects everything when no specs provided.
    • intersect

      public static <T> Spec<T> intersect(Collection<? extends Spec<? super T>> specs)
      Returns a spec that selects the intersection of those items selected by the given specs. Returns a spec that selects everything when no specs provided.
    • union

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> Spec<T> union(Spec<? super T>... specs)
      Returns a spec that selects the union of those items selected by the provided spec. Selects everything when no specs provided.
    • union

      public static <T> Spec<T> union(Collection<? extends Spec<? super T>> specs)
      Returns a spec that selects the union of those items selected by the provided spec. Selects everything when no specs provided.
    • negate

      public static <T> Spec<T> negate(Spec<? super T> spec)
      Returns a spec that selects everything that is not selected by the given spec.