Interface TextResourceFactory

  • public interface TextResourceFactory
    Creates TextResources backed by sources such as strings, files, and archive entries.

    Example usages:

     def sourcedFromString = resources.text.fromString("some text content")
     def sourcedFromFile = resources.text.fromFile("path/to/file.txt")
     task someTask {} // assumption: produces a text file and declares it as output
     def sourcedFromTask = resources.text.fromFile(someTask)
     def sourcedFromArchiveEntry =
       resources.text.fromArchiveEntry("path/to/", "path/to/archive/entry.txt")
     configurations { someConfig } // assumption: contains a single archive
     def sourcedFromConfiguration =
       resources.text.fromArchiveEntry(configurations.someConfig, "path/to/archive/entry.txt")
     def sourceFromUri = resources.text.fromUri("")
     def sourceFromInsecureUri = resources.text.fromInsecureUri("")
    File based factory methods optionally accept a character encoding. If no encoding is specified, the platform's default encoding is used.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      TextResource fromArchiveEntry​(java.lang.Object archive, java.lang.String path)
      Same as fromArchiveEntry(archive, path, Charset.defaultCharset().name()).
      TextResource fromArchiveEntry​(java.lang.Object archive, java.lang.String entryPath, java.lang.String charset)
      Creates a text resource backed by the archive entry at the given path within the given archive.
      TextResource fromFile​(java.lang.Object file)
      Same as fromFile(file, Charset.defaultCharset()).
      TextResource fromFile​(java.lang.Object file, java.lang.String charset)
      Creates a text resource backed by the given file.
      TextResource fromInsecureUri​(java.lang.Object uri)
      Creates a text resource backed by the given uri.
      TextResource fromString​(java.lang.String string)
      Creates a text resource backed by the given string.
      TextResource fromUri​(java.lang.Object uri)
      Creates a text resource backed by the given uri.
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        TextResource fromString​(java.lang.String string)
        Creates a text resource backed by the given string.
        string - a string
        a text resource backed by the given string
      • fromFile

        TextResource fromFile​(java.lang.Object file,
                              java.lang.String charset)
        Creates a text resource backed by the given file.
        file - a text file evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
        charset - the file's character encoding (e.g. "utf-8")
        a text resource backed by the given file
      • fromArchiveEntry

        TextResource fromArchiveEntry​(java.lang.Object archive,
                                      java.lang.String entryPath,
                                      java.lang.String charset)
        Creates a text resource backed by the archive entry at the given path within the given archive. The archive format is determined based on the archive's file extension. If the archive format is not supported or cannot be determined, any attempt to access the resource will fail with an exception.
        archive - an archive file evaluated as per Project.files(Object...)
        entryPath - the path to an archive entry
        charset - the archive entry's character encoding (e.g. "utf-8")
        a text resource backed by the archive entry at the given path within the given archive
      • fromArchiveEntry

        TextResource fromArchiveEntry​(java.lang.Object archive,
                                      java.lang.String path)
        Same as fromArchiveEntry(archive, path, Charset.defaultCharset().name()).
      • fromUri

        TextResource fromUri​(java.lang.Object uri)
        Creates a text resource backed by the given uri.
        uri - a URI as evaluated by Project.uri(Object)
        a text resource backed by the given uri
      • fromInsecureUri

        TextResource fromInsecureUri​(java.lang.Object uri)
        Creates a text resource backed by the given uri. NOTE: This method allows insecure protocols (like HTTP) to be used. Only use this method if you're comfortable with the dangers.
        uri - a URI as evaluated by Project.uri(Object)
        a text resource backed by the given uri
        See Also: