Interface MavenPomMailingList

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        Property<java.lang.String> getName()
        The name of this mailing list.
      • getSubscribe

        Property<java.lang.String> getSubscribe()
        The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to this mailing list.
      • getUnsubscribe

        Property<java.lang.String> getUnsubscribe()
        The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to this mailing list.
      • getPost

        Property<java.lang.String> getPost()
        The email address or link that can be used to post to this mailing list.
      • getArchive

        Property<java.lang.String> getArchive()
        The URL where you can browse the archive of this mailing list.
      • getOtherArchives

        SetProperty<java.lang.String> getOtherArchives()
        The alternate URLs where you can browse the archive of this mailing list.