Interface MavenPomContributor

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        Property<java.lang.String> getName()
        The name of this contributor.
      • getEmail

        Property<java.lang.String> getEmail()
        The email
      • getUrl

        Property<java.lang.String> getUrl()
        The URL of this contributor.
      • getOrganization

        Property<java.lang.String> getOrganization()
        The organization name of this contributor.
      • getOrganizationUrl

        Property<java.lang.String> getOrganizationUrl()
        The organization's URL of this contributor.
      • getRoles

        SetProperty<java.lang.String> getRoles()
        The roles of this contributor.
      • getTimezone

        Property<java.lang.String> getTimezone()
        The timezone of this contributor.
      • getProperties

        MapProperty<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getProperties()
        The properties of this contributor.