Interface JavaApplication

public interface JavaApplication
Configuration for a Java application, defining how to assemble the application.

An instance of this type is added as a project extension by the Java application plugin under the name 'application'.

 plugins {
     id 'application'

 application {
  • Method Details

    • getApplicationName

      String getApplicationName()
      The name of the application.
    • setApplicationName

      void setApplicationName(String applicationName)
      The name of the application.
    • getMainModule

      Property<String> getMainModule()
      The name of the application's Java module if it should run as a module.
    • getMainClass

      Property<String> getMainClass()
      The fully qualified name of the application's main class.
    • getApplicationDefaultJvmArgs

      Iterable<String> getApplicationDefaultJvmArgs()
      Array of string arguments to pass to the JVM when running the application
    • setApplicationDefaultJvmArgs

      void setApplicationDefaultJvmArgs(Iterable<String> applicationDefaultJvmArgs)
      Array of string arguments to pass to the JVM when running the application
    • getExecutableDir

      String getExecutableDir()
      Directory to place executables in
    • setExecutableDir

      void setExecutableDir(String executableDir)
      Directory to place executables in
    • getApplicationDistribution

      CopySpec getApplicationDistribution()

      The specification of the contents of the distribution.

      Use this CopySpec to include extra files/resource in the application distribution.

       plugins {
           id 'application'
       application {
           applicationDistribution.from("some/dir") {
               include "*.txt"

      Note that the application plugin pre configures this spec to; include the contents of "src/dist", copy the application start scripts into the "bin" directory, and copy the built jar and its dependencies into the "lib" directory.

    • setApplicationDistribution

      void setApplicationDistribution(CopySpec applicationDistribution)