Interface UserClassFilePermissions

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface UserClassFilePermissions
    Describes file and directory access permissions for a certain class of users (see FilePermissions).

    Permissions consist of:

    • READ access: the capability to view the contents of a file, or to list the contents of a directory
    • WRITE access: the capability to modify or remove the contents of a file, or to add or remove files to/from a directory
    • EXECUTE access: the capability to run a file as a program; executing a directory doesn't really make sense, it's more like a traverse permission; for example, a user must have 'execute' access to the 'bin' directory in order to execute the 'ls' or 'cd' commands.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getExecute()
      Describes if a certain class of users has execute access to a file or directory.
      boolean getRead()
      Describes if a certain class of users has read access to a file or directory.
      boolean getWrite()
      Describes if a certain class of users has write access to a file or directory.
    • Method Detail

      • getRead

        boolean getRead()
        Describes if a certain class of users has read access to a file or directory.

        Read access is the capability to view the contents of a file, or to list the contents of a directory.

      • getWrite

        boolean getWrite()
        Describes if a certain class of users has write access to a file or directory.

        Write access is the capability to modify or remove the contents of a file, or to add or remove files to/from a directory.

      • getExecute

        boolean getExecute()
        Describes if a certain class of users has execute access to a file or directory.

        Execute access is the capability to run a file as a program; executing a directory doesn't really make sense, it's more like a traverse permission; for example, a user must have 'execute' access to the 'bin' directory in order to execute the 'ls' or 'cd' commands.