Interface CacheConfigurations

  • @Incubating
    public interface CacheConfigurations
    Configures caches stored in the user home directory. Note that these values can be read at any time, but can only be configured via an init script, ideally stored in the init.d directory in the user home directory.
    • Method Detail

      • releasedWrappers

        void releasedWrappers​(Action<? super CacheResourceConfiguration> cacheConfiguration)
        Configures caching for wrapper distributions that are released Gradle versions. By default, released distributions are removed after 30 days of not being used.
      • getReleasedWrappers

        CacheResourceConfiguration getReleasedWrappers()
        Returns the cache configuration for wrapper distributions that are released Gradle versions.
      • snapshotWrappers

        void snapshotWrappers​(Action<? super CacheResourceConfiguration> cacheConfiguration)
        Configures caching for wrapper distributions that are snapshot Gradle versions. By default, snapshot distributions are removed after 7 days of not being used.
      • getSnapshotWrappers

        CacheResourceConfiguration getSnapshotWrappers()
        Returns the cache configuration for wrapper distributions that are released Gradle versions.
      • downloadedResources

        void downloadedResources​(Action<? super CacheResourceConfiguration> cacheConfiguration)
        Configures caching for resources that are downloaded during Gradle builds. By default, downloaded resources are removed after 30 days of not being used.
      • getDownloadedResources

        CacheResourceConfiguration getDownloadedResources()
        Returns the cache configuration for downloaded resources.
      • createdResources

        void createdResources​(Action<? super CacheResourceConfiguration> cacheConfiguration)
        Configures caching for resources that are created by Gradle during the course of a build. By default, created resources are removed after 7 days of not being used.
      • buildCache

        void buildCache​(Action<? super CacheResourceConfiguration> cacheConfiguration)
        Configures caching for entries in the local build cache. By default, build cache entries are removed after 7 days of not being used.
      • getCleanup

        Property<Cleanup> getCleanup()
        Returns the cache cleanup settings that apply to all caches.