Annotation Type InputArtifactDependencies

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface InputArtifactDependencies
    Attach this annotation to an abstract getter that should receive the artifact dependencies of the InputArtifact of an artifact transform.

    For example, when a project depends on spring-web, when the project is transformed (i.e. the project is the input artifact), the input artifact dependencies are the file collection containing the spring-web JAR and all its dependencies like e.g. the spring-core JAR. The abstract getter must be declared as type FileCollection. The order of the files matches that of the dependencies declared for the input artifact.

    Example usage:

     import org.gradle.api.artifacts.transform.TransformParameters;
     public abstract class MyTransform implements TransformAction<TransformParameters.None> {
         public abstract Provider<FileSystemLocation> getInputArtifact();
         public abstract FileCollection getDependencies();
         public void transform(TransformOutputs outputs) {
             FileCollection dependencies = getDependencies();
             // Do something with the dependencies