Interface ExternalModuleDependencyVariantSpec

  • public interface ExternalModuleDependencyVariantSpec
    The specification of a dependency variant. Some dependencies can be fined tuned to select a particular variant. For example, one might want to select the test fixtures of a target component, or a specific classifier.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void artifactType​(java.lang.String artifactType)
      Configures the artifact type of this dependency
      void classifier​(java.lang.String classifier)
      Configures the classifier of this dependency
      void platform()
      Configures the dependency to select the "platform" variant.
      void testFixtures()
      Configures the dependency to select the test fixtures capability.
    • Method Detail

      • platform

        void platform()
        Configures the dependency to select the "platform" variant.
      • testFixtures

        void testFixtures()
        Configures the dependency to select the test fixtures capability.
      • classifier

        void classifier​(java.lang.String classifier)
        Configures the classifier of this dependency
      • artifactType

        void artifactType​(java.lang.String artifactType)
        Configures the artifact type of this dependency