Interface DependencyConstraintHandler

  • public interface DependencyConstraintHandler

    A DependencyConstraintHandler is used to declare dependency constraints.

    • Method Detail

      • add

        DependencyConstraint add​(java.lang.String configurationName,
                                 java.lang.Object dependencyConstraintNotation)
        Adds a dependency constraint to the given configuration.
        configurationName - The name of the configuration.
        dependencyConstraintNotation - the constraint
      • add

        DependencyConstraint add​(java.lang.String configurationName,
                                 java.lang.Object dependencyNotation,
                                 Action<? super DependencyConstraint> configureAction)
        Adds a dependency constraint to the given configuration, and configures the dependency constraint using the given closure.
        configurationName - The name of the configuration.
        dependencyNotation - The dependency constraint notation
        configureAction - The closure to use to configure the dependency constraint.
      • create

        DependencyConstraint create​(java.lang.Object dependencyConstraintNotation)
        Creates a dependency constraint without adding it to a configuration.
        dependencyConstraintNotation - The dependency constraint notation.
      • create

        DependencyConstraint create​(java.lang.Object dependencyConstraintNotation,
                                    Action<? super DependencyConstraint> configureAction)
        Creates a dependency constraint without adding it to a configuration, and configures the dependency constraint using the given closure.
        dependencyConstraintNotation - The dependency constraint notation.
        configureAction - The closure to use to configure the dependency.
      • enforcedPlatform

        DependencyConstraint enforcedPlatform​(java.lang.Object notation)
        Declares a constraint on an enforced platform. If the target coordinates represent multiple potential components, the platform component will be selected, instead of the library. An enforced platform is a platform for which the direct dependencies are forced, meaning that they would override any other version found in the graph.
        notation - the coordinates of the platform
      • enforcedPlatform

        DependencyConstraint enforcedPlatform​(java.lang.Object notation,
                                              Action<? super DependencyConstraint> configureAction)
        Declares a constraint on an enforced platform. If the target coordinates represent multiple potential components, the platform component will be selected, instead of the library. An enforced platform is a platform for which the direct dependencies are forced, meaning that they would override any other version found in the graph.
        notation - the coordinates of the platform
        configureAction - the dependency configuration block