Interface NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of objects in this container.
All Superinterfaces:
Collection<T>, Configurable<NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>>, DomainObjectCollection<T>, DomainObjectSet<T>, Iterable<T>, NamedDomainObjectCollection<T>, NamedDomainObjectSet<T>, Set<T>
All Known Subinterfaces:
ArtifactTypeContainer, AuthenticationContainer, BuildTypeContainer, ConfigurationContainer, DistributionContainer, ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<T>, FlavorContainer, IvyConfigurationContainer, MutableVersionCatalogContainer, NativeToolChainRegistry, PlatformContainer, PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<T>, PublicationContainer, Repositories, SoftwareComponentContainer, SourceSetContainer, TaskContainer

public interface NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> extends NamedDomainObjectSet<T>, Configurable<NamedDomainObjectContainer<T>>

A named domain object container is a specialization of NamedDomainObjectSet that adds the ability to create instances of the element type.

Implementations may use different strategies for creating new object instances.

Note that a container is an implementation of SortedSet, which means that the container is guaranteed to only contain elements with unique names within this container. Furthermore, items are ordered by their name.

You can create an instance of this type using the factory method ObjectFactory.domainObjectContainer(Class).

  • Method Details

    • create

      T create(String name) throws InvalidUserDataException
      Creates a new item with the given name, adding it to this container.

      This operation is eager, the element is realized before being returned.

      name - The name to assign to the created object
      The created object. Never null.
      InvalidUserDataException - if an object with the given name already exists in this container.
    • maybeCreate

      T maybeCreate(String name)
      Looks for an item with the given name, creating and adding it to this container if it does not exist.

      This operation is eager, the element is realized before being returned.

      name - The name to find or assign to the created object
      The found or created object. Never null.
    • create

      T create(String name, Closure configureClosure) throws InvalidUserDataException
      Creates a new item with the given name, adding it to this container, then configuring it with the given closure.

      This operation is eager, the element is realized before being returned.

      name - The name to assign to the created object
      configureClosure - The closure to configure the created object with
      The created object. Never null.
      InvalidUserDataException - if an object with the given name already exists in this container.
    • create

      T create(String name, Action<? super T> configureAction) throws InvalidUserDataException
      Creates a new item with the given name, adding it to this container, then configuring it with the given action.

      This operation is eager, the element is realized before being returned.

      name - The name to assign to the created object
      configureAction - The action to configure the created object with
      The created object. Never null.
      InvalidUserDataException - if an object with the given name already exists in this container.
    • configure

      NamedDomainObjectContainer<T> configure(Closure configureClosure)

      Allows the container to be configured, creating missing objects as they are referenced.

      TODO: example usage

      Specified by:
      configure in interface Configurable<T>
      configureClosure - The closure to configure this container with
    • register

      NamedDomainObjectProvider<T> register(String name, Action<? super T> configurationAction) throws InvalidUserDataException
      Defines a new object, which will be created and configured when it is required. An object is 'required' when the object is located using query methods such as NamedDomainObjectCollection.getByName(java.lang.String) or when Provider.get() is called on the return value of this method.

      It is generally more efficient to use this method instead of create(java.lang.String, org.gradle.api.Action) or create(java.lang.String), as those methods will eagerly create and configure the object, regardless of whether that object is required for the current build or not. This method, on the other hand, will defer creation and configuration until required.

      This operation is lazy, the returned element is NOT realized. A lazy wrapper is returned, allowing to continue to use it with other lazy APIs.

      name - The name of the object.
      configurationAction - The action to run to configure the object. This action runs when the object is required.
      A Provider whose value will be the object, when queried.
      InvalidUserDataException - If a object with the given name already exists in this project.
    • register

      Defines a new object, which will be created when it is required. A object is 'required' when the object is located using query methods such as NamedDomainObjectCollection.getByName(java.lang.String) or when Provider.get() is called on the return value of this method.

      It is generally more efficient to use this method instead of create(java.lang.String), as that method will eagerly create the object, regardless of whether that object is required for the current build or not. This method, on the other hand, will defer creation until required.

      This operation is lazy, the returned element is NOT realized. A lazy wrapper is returned, allowing to continue to use it with other lazy APIs.

      name - The name of the object.
      A Provider whose value will be the object, when queried.
      InvalidUserDataException - If a object with the given name already exists in this project.