Gradle Release Notes

Version 4.0

The Gradle team is pleased to announce Gradle 4.0.

We are excited to share some great new features and improvements with you in this release:

First and foremost, Gradle's Build Cache is now production-ready for Java and Groovy compilation and Java test tasks! This provides remarkable performance, making Gradle builds up to 100x faster than Maven in common scenarios. This is further improved by overlapping outputs detection, configurable classpath normalization that avoids unnecessary task execution, and more listed in the full release notes. The cacheability of other tasks, including other languages, will be completed in future releases. We invite you to check out our new guide for maximizing effectiveness of the Gradle Build Cache.

Now on to user experience: this release has a number of enhancements in logging and terminal display. Log output is now grouped by project and task when attached to a terminal — output from tasks run in parallel will no longer be interleaved. However, logging behaves the same as previous Gradle versions in non-interactive environments, and with --console=plain, to allow automated tools like CI systems to parse the logs they expect.