Gradle Release Notes

Version 2.12

The Gradle team is pleased to bring you Gradle 2.12. This release brings support for compile only dependencies, improved build script compilation speed and even better IDE support.

Gradle 2.12 now finally includes support for modeling compile only dependencies when using the Java plugin. This capability establishes a much clearer migration path for those coming from Maven and have build requirements for which leveraging 'provided' scope was typically the solution.

We've introduced some improvements to test execution from the Gradle command line. Support has been added for executing specific test suites and parameterized tests making test-driven development using Gradle even easier.

With each Gradle release we strive to not only make the command line Gradle experience better but also using Gradle in conjunction with your favorite IDE even more enjoyable. Using Gradle with IntelliJ IDEA and the IDEA plugin now works better than ever. Manually managing Java target compatibility settings is no longer necessary as the IDEA plugin will now ensure that Gradle and the IDE consistently use the same compiler settings.

Additionally, our commitment to improving performance with each release continues. Gradle 2.12 has the fastest build script compilation speeds of any Gradle version to date.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Here are the new features introduced in this Gradle release.

Support for declaring compile time only dependencies with Java plugin

You can now declare dependencies to be used only at compile time in conjunction with the Java plugin. Compile only dependencies are used only during source compilation and are not included in the runtime classpath or exposed to dependent projects. This behavior is similar to that of the 'provided' scope available in Maven based builds. However, unlike Maven provided dependencies, compile only dependencies in Gradle are not included on the test classpath.

Compile only dependencies should be assigned to the relevant source set's 'compileOnly' configuration.

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5'

More details about compile only configurations can be found in the Java plugin chapter of the user guide.

Faster build script compilation

Significant optimizations have been made to build script compilation. You can expect reductions in startup times of up to 20% when running a build for the first time or after making changes to build scripts.

Test filtering support for Test Suites and (in JUnit) Parameterized Tests

The test filtering capabilities provided by the Java plugin have been improved to allow matching against TestSuite names in both JUnit and TestNG test tasks. You can also filter against Parameterized Tests when using JUnit. Examples of such test filters include:

gradle test --tests "com.example.MyTestSuite"        // Includes the tests in the given suite.
gradle test --tests "com.example.ParameterizedTest"  // All iterations of methods in the test.
gradle test --tests "**"        // All iterations of the foo method in the test.
gradle test --tests "*ParameterizedTest.*[2]"        // Only iteration 2 of all methods in the test.

These same patterns can also be used in the filter { } block of the test task directly in your build.gradle file.

This feature was contributed by Alex Landau.

IDE integration improvements

IDEA Plugin uses targetCompatibility for each subproject to determine module and project bytecode version

The Gradle IDEA plugin generates configuration files allowing a Gradle project to be developed using IntelliJ IDEA. Previous versions of Gradle did not consider targetCompatibility settings for Java projects when generating IDEA configuration. This behavior has been improved, so that the generated IDEA project will have a 'bytecode version' matching the highest targetCompatibility value of all imported subprojects. For multi-project Gradle builds that contain a mix of targetCompatibility values, the generated IDEA module for subprojects deviating from the project bytecode version will include an override for the appropriate 'module bytecode version'.

To explicit deviate from these calculated bytecode level settings, the incubating targetBytecodeVersion property can be set on IDEA project and on IDEA module level.

Scala support for Intellij IDEA versions 14 and later using 'idea' plugin

Beginning with IntelliJ IDEA version 14, Scala projects are no longer configured using a project facet but instead use a Scala SDK project library. This affects how the IDEA metadata should be generated. Using the 'idea' plugin in conjunction with Scala projects for newer IDEA version would cause errors due to the Scala facet being unrecognized. The 'idea' plugin now by default creates an IDEA 14+ compatible Scala SDK project library as well as adds this library to all Scala modules. More information, including how to configure your project to continue to support older IDEA versions, can be found in the user guide.

This feature was contributed by Nicklas Bondesson.

Experimental software model improvements

Concise formatting for model data report

The model report is quite verbose by default. For each node of the model, it displays the types of all properties as well as any rules that created or mutated them. However, you might only want to see the state of data in the model in order to validate your build configuration. In this case, you can now request a more concise model report using gradle model --format short. By default, Gradle still outputs the most complete report, which is equivalent to calling gradle model --format full.

Applying additional rules to a given target with @Rules

It is sometimes necessary to apply an additional set of rules to a given target. This is now possible by addinga @Rules annotation to a method within a RuleSource class. The first parameter to this method is another RuleSource class—the additional rules you wish to apply—and the second parameter is the target you wish to apply those rules to.

See this integration test for an example.

Keeping RuleSource classes DRY with @RuleTarget and @RuleInput

When a given RuleSource class defines multiple rule methods having the same target and/or input parameters, it is now possible to eliminate repeating these declarations with the new @RuleTarget and @RuleInput annotations.

  • Likewise, annotate an abstract getter method on a RuleSource with @RuleTarget to indicate that the property defines a target available to all rule methods within that RuleSource. Simply call the getter wherever interacting with that target is necessary.

  • Annotate an abstract getter method on a RuleSource with @RuleInput to indicate that the property defines an input available to all rule methods within that RuleSource. Simply call the getter wherever interacting with that input is necessary.

See these integration tests for examples.

Applying a rule to descendant elements with @Each

It is frequently a requirement to apply a rule to all elements in a scope that match a certain type. E.g. to set a default output directory for every binary produced, regardless of exactly where the binary is defined in the model. With the new @Each annotation this is now possible. All elements are matched regardless of their location in the model as long as a) they are a descendant of the scope element, and b) they match the given type. More information about this can be found in the Sotfware model section of the user guide.

Declaring local JVM installations

It is now possible to declare the local installations of JVMs (JDK or JRE) in your model. Gradle will probe the declared installations and automatically detect which version, vendor and type of JVM it is. This information can be used to customize your JavaCompile tasks, and future versions of Gradle will leverage this to select the appropriate toolchain when compiling Java sources. More information about this can be found in the Java software model section of the user guide.

Fixed issues

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Features that have become superseded or irrelevant due to the natural evolution of Gradle become deprecated, and scheduled to be removed in the next major Gradle version (Gradle 3.0). See the User guide section on the Feature Lifecycle for more information.

The following are the newly deprecated items in this Gradle release. If you have concerns about a deprecation, please raise it via the Gradle Forums.

Ant-based Scala compiler deprecation

The Zinc Scala compiler is now sufficiently stable and considerably more efficient than the Ant-based Scala compiler. We have changed the default value of ScalaCompileOptions#isUseAnt to false and we are deprecating the option. Also, since the Zinc Scala Compiler only works in fork mode, we are also defaulting that option to true and deprecating it. Both the useCompileDaemon and daemonServer were only supported by the Ant-based Scala Compiler and are also deprecated. Please update your build scripts to remove uses of these options. For more information, see the Scala Plugin section of the User Guide.

Potential breaking changes

Changes to 'idea' plugin Scala projects

Scala projects using the 'idea' plugin now generate IntelliJ IDEA metadata targeting versions 14 and newer. Users of IDEA versions older than 14 will need to update their build scripts to specify that metadata should be generated for an earlier IDEA version.

idea {
    targetVersion = '13'

Changes to 'idea' module language level configuration

Setting idea.project.languageLevel explicitly in a build does not override modules language levels. They are calculated by from the sourceCompatibility level of the java projects and set explicitly per module. To explicitly set the IDEA specific language level, the incubating targetBytecodeVersion property of IDEA module can be used.

System properties are read in different order

System properties set on the command line with -D option will now override settings in file. If you have the same property specified in both places with different values, then Gradle will use a different value after the upgrade.

Scala Zinc Compiler and Forked Compilation on by default

As we are deprecating the in-process Ant Based Scala Compiler in favor of the more powerful Zinc Scala Compiler which always runs in a forked process, you may need to increase the heap space allocated for your Scala builds. If you notice your Scala builds running out of permgen space or generally suffering from OutOfMemory errors, increase the heap memory or permgen allocated for your forked processes like so:

tasks.withType(ScalaCompile) {
    configure(scalaCompileOptions.forkOptions) {
        memoryMaximumSize = '1g'
        jvmArgs = ['-XX:MaxPermSize=512m']

You may need to tweak the values to match your build's needs.

Also, you may have a force = <something> option in your build file. Previously, this option was ignored by Gradle's Zinc Scala Compiler, but now it will be read and interpreted as a boolean value. Read more at Scala Plugin

Changes to the experimental software model

One of the objectives of the software model is to describe what you want to build instead of how. In particular, you might want to describe that you are building a web application. That application can be seen as an aggregate of libraries, but also sources, static resources, etc. A library can be seen as an aggregate of sources, producing different binaries depending on the target platform, the CPU architecture, ... A source set may also be viewed as a component that can itself be built (e.g. generated sources). To reflect this idea that "everything is a component" and "components are composed of other components", the ComponentSpec hierarchy has been reorganised. This will greatly simplify the creation of custom components, as well as reduce the amount of component type specific code, by composing behavior, rather than inheriting it.

  • The sources and binaries properties of ComponentSpec have been moved to dedicated subtypes (resp. SourceComponentSpec and VariantComponentSpec)
  • GeneralComponentSpec is the base interface for all components that are built from sources and can generate multiple variants (typically, depending on the target platform)
  • LibrarySpec and ApplicationSpec are two typical examples of components that extend GeneralComponentSpec, that can be leveraged to build your own component types.
  • BuildableModelElement has been renamed to BuildableComponentSpec, which in turn now extends ComponentSpec.

Type registration

  • LanguageTypeBuilder, ComponentTypeBuilder, BinaryTypeBuilder have been unified into a single TypeBuilder.
  • The BinaryType and LanguageType annotations are no longer supported. They have been replaced by a single ComponentType annotation.
  • The languageName property has been removed from LanguageTypeBuilder. This property was not used and does not make sense for LanguageSourceSet subtypes that don't represent an actual language.

Other changes

  • Deprecated properties ComponentSpec.source and BinarySpec.source have been removed. These have been replaced by the sources property.

Java plugin 'compile' configuration no longer represents all compile time dependencies

As a result of the addition of compile only dependencies, references to configurations.compile no longer accurately represent the compile classpath used to build a given source set, as this will not include 'compileOnly' dependencies. When needing a reference to a source set's compile classpath, configurations.compileClasspath or configurations.testCompileClasspath should instead be used to reference the production or test classpaths, respectively.

External contributions

We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.

  • Nicklas Bondesson - Support IntelliJ IDEA 14+ when using 'scala' and 'idea' plugins
  • Lewis Cowles - Installation documentation clarification about GRADLE_HOME
  • Alex Landau - Fix for JUnit Test Filtering with the --test flag to work for Parametrized tests and TestSuites
  • Stuart Armitage - Fix some inconsistencies between Ant and Zinc scala compiler implementations
  • Tony Abbott - Fix for native testing plugins when test binaries are not buildable

We love getting contributions from the Gradle community. For information on contributing, please see

Known issues

Known issues are problems that were discovered post release that are directly related to changes made in this release.

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