Gradle Release Notes

Version 1.4

Together with the usual set of bug fixes and new features, this release comes with some major performance improvements. Expect to see faster builds that use less heap space with Gradle 1.4.

If you work with Scala and/or Groovy projects, you'll find Gradle more convenient with the auto-detection of Scala and Groovy libraries from the classpath. A Gradle build no longer needs to specifically configure a 'groovy' or 'scalaTools' configuration to use these tools. Automatic configuration makes it easier to build multiple variants of your software targeting different Scala/Groovy versions, or to use Scala/Groovy only for selected sourceSets.

Dependency management continues to be an important focus and this release brings some significant improvements, better reporting, and a new, powerful mechanism providing fine-grained control over dependency resolution.

Keeping Gradle at the forefront of software automation are some exciting new incubating features. Configuration-on-demand can reduce startup time for large multi-project builds, the java-library-distribution plugin makes it easy to bundle your java project into a distribution, and the new TestReport task makes it trivial to aggregate all of your test results into a single report.

TestNG users haven't been forgotten, either. They now enjoy the same high-quality reports that JUnit users have long had access to.

And that's just the highlights. Read on for more details on why you should upgrade to Gradle 1.4. As always, please share your feedback and experiences with Gradle 1.4 via the Gradle Forums.

Table Of Contents

New and noteworthy

Performance and memory consumption

Gradle 1.4 introduces some important performance improvements, resulting in faster builds that use less heap space. These improvements affect dependency resolution, task up-to-date checks and test execution. In other words, everything that a typical Java based project uses in its build.

A typical Java project might see a 10-20% improvement in build time. For builds with many small projects and many unit tests, in combination with the Gradle daemon, we are seeing a 50% improvement in build time.

Dependency resolution improvements

As with every release, the dependency resolution engine has been improved with bug fixes and performance optimizations.

These improvements are in addition to the new incubating support for Dependency Resolve Rules, which give you more control over dependency resolution.

Dependencies that cannot be resolved are listed in dependency reports

With earlier versions of Gradle, it was not possible to generate a dependency resolution report if one of the dependencies could not be resolved. This has been rectified. Not only will the dependency resolution reports run successfully if a dependency cannot be resolved, the reports will now include details of those dependencies that couldn't be resolved.

Here is an example for the dependencies task:

compile - Classpath for compiling the sources.
\--- foo:bar:1.0
     \--- foo:baz:2.0 FAILED

The FAILED marker indicates that foo:baz:2.0, which is depended upon by foo:bar:1.0, couldn't be resolved.

A similar improvement has been made to the dependencyInsight task:

foo:baz:2.0 (forced) FAILED

foo:baz:1.0 -> 2.0 FAILED
\--- foo:bar:1.0
     \--- compile

In this example, foo:baz was forced to version 2.0, and that version couldn't be resolved.

Filter dependency resolution reports by configuration

The dependencies task now accepts an optional --configuration parameter that restricts its output to a particular configuration:

$ gradle dependencies --configuration compile

This command will display the dependency tree rooted at the compile configuration, and (assuming a standard Java project) omit the dependency trees for the runtime, testCompile, and testRuntime configurations.

Automatic configuration of Groovy dependency used by GroovyCompile and Groovydoc tasks

The groovy-base plugin now automatically detects the Groovy dependency used on the compile class path of any GroovyCompile or Groovydoc task, and appropriately configures the task's groovyClasspath. As a consequence, the Groovy dependency can now be configured directly for the configuration(s) that need it, and it is no longer necessary to use the groovy configuration.

Old (and still supported):

dependencies {
    groovy "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5"

New (and now preferred):

dependencies {
    compile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5"

Automatic configuration makes it easier to build multiple artifact variants targeting different Groovy versions, or to only use Groovy for selected source sets:

dependencies {
    testCompile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5"

Apart from the groovy-all Jar, Gradle also detects usages of the groovy Jar and -indy variants. Automatic configuration is disabled if a task's groovyClasspath is non-empty (for example because the groovy configuration is used) or no repositories are declared in the project.

Automatic configuration of Scala dependency used by ScalaCompile and Scaladoc tasks

The scala-base plugin now automatically detects the scala-library dependency used on the compile class path of any ScalaCompile or ScalaDoc task, and appropriately configures for the task's scalaClasspath. As a consequence, it is no longer necessary to use the scalaTools configuration.

Old (and still supported):

dependencies {
    scalaTools "org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:2.9.2"
    compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.9.2"

New (and now preferred):

dependencies {
    compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.9.2"

Automatic configuration makes it easier to build multiple artifact variants targeting different Scala versions. Here is one way to do it:

apply plugin: "scala-base"

sourceSets {

sourceSets.all { sourceSet ->
    scala.srcDirs = ["src/main/scala"]
    resources.srcDirs = ["src/main/resources"]

    def jarTask = task(sourceSet.getTaskName(null, "jar"), type: Jar) {
        baseName =
        from sourceSet.output

    artifacts {
        archives jarTask

repositories {

dependencies {
    scala2_8Compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.8.2"
    scala2_9Compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.9.2"
    scala2_10Compile "org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.0-RC5"

Note that we didn't have to declare the different scala-compiler dependencies, nor did we have to assign them to the corresponding ScalaCompile and ScalaDoc tasks. Nevertheless, running gradle assemble produces:

$ ls build/libs
scala2_10.jar scala2_8.jar  scala2_9.jar

With build variants becoming a first-class Gradle feature, building multiple artifact variants targeting different Scala versions will only get easier.

Automatic configuration isn't used if a task's scalaClasspath is non-empty (for example because the scalaTools configuration is used) or no repositories are declared in the project.

Brand new TestNG reports are generated by default

Gradle 1.3 introduced several incubating improvements to TestNG reports. In Gradle 1.4 the improved reports are turned on by default. The TestNG users will be delighted to learn that:

  • The new HTML report is much easier to read and browse than the standard TestNG report. It's also quite pretty.
  • Both reports, XML (for your CI server) and HTML (for you), contain the test output (i.e. messages logged to the standard streams or via the standard logging toolkits). This is extremely useful for debugging certain test failures.
  • The reports neatly work with TestNG and Gradle parallel testing (test.maxParallelForks).

The implementation of the new reports is now a part of Gradle. Previously, the report generation was delegated to TestNG's default listeners that are shipped with TestNG library. You can switch off the HTML report generation by configuring the test.testReport property. If you prefer the old TestNG reports please refer to the documentation.

Easier embedding of Gradle via Tooling API

The Tooling API, the standard way to embed Gradle, is now more convenient to use. As of Gradle 1.4 it ships as a single jar with the only external dependency being an SLF4J implementation. All other dependencies are packaged inside the Jar and shaded to avoid conflicts with the embedder's classpath.

Fixed issues

Retrieving the fixed issue information for 1.4 …

Incubating features

Incubating features are intended to be used, but not yet guaranteed to be backwards compatible. By giving early access to new features, real world feedback can be incorporated into their design. See the User guide section on the “Feature Lifecycle” for more information.

The following are the new incubating features or changes to existing incubating features in this Gradle release.

Dependency resolve rules

A “dependency resolve rule” is a user specified algorithm that can influence the resolution of a particular dependency. Dependency resolve rules can be used to solve many challenging dependency management problems.

For example, a dependency resolve rule can be used to force all versions with a particular “group” to be of the same version:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
        if ( == 'org.gradle') {
            details.useVersion '1.4'

The rule (i.e. the closure given to the eachDependency method above) is called for each dependency that is to be resolved. The DependencyResolveDetails object passed to the rule implementation represents the originally requested and the finally selected version (after conflict resolution has been applied). The rule can make a programmatic choice to change how the dependency should be resolved.

This is an “incubating” feature. In Gradle 1.4, it is only possible to affect the version of the dependency that will be resolved. In future versions, more control will be allowed via the DependencyResolveDetails type.

Dependency resolve rules are a powerful feature that allow you to do much more than just enforcing a certain version of a dependency in advance (which you can also do with Gradle). Many interesting use cases can be implemented with the dependency resolve rules:

For more information, including more code samples, please refer to this user guide section.

Improved scalability via configuration on demand

In Gradle, all projects are configured before any task gets executed (see the build lifecycle). Huge multi-project builds may have a noticeable configuration time for that reason. To improve the experience of working with large multi-project builds "configuration on demand" mode is introduced, where only those projects required by the build are configured. This mode is incubating and currently it is not guaranteed to work with every multi-project build. It should work very well with builds that have decoupled projects (e.g. avoiding having a subproject accessing the model of another project). Before you start configuring on demand, please read the section in the user guide. Then update your file: file

The new 'java-library-distribution' plugin

The new incubating 'java-library-distribution' plugin, contributed by Sébastien Cogneau, makes it is much easier to create a standalone distribution for a JVM library.

Let's walk through a small example. Assume a project with the following layout:

|____libs // a directory containing third party libraries
| |____a.jar
| |____main
| | |____java
| | | |
| |____dist // additional files that should go into the distribution
| | |____dir2
| | | |____file2.txt
| | |____file1.txt

In the past, it was necessary to declare a custom zip task that assembles the distribution. Now, the 'java-library-distribution' will do the job for you:

apply plugin: 'java-library-distribution'

dependencies {
    runtime files('libs/a.jar')

distribution {
    name = 'MyLibraryDistribution'

Given this configuration, running gradle distZip will produce a zip file named that contains the library itself, its runtime dependencies, and everything in the src/dist directory.

To add further files to the distribution, configure the distZip task accordingly:

distZip {
    from('anotherFile') {

Stand-alone test report task

A new, incubating TestReport task type is now available. This task takes the test results generated by one or more Test tasks and generates a combined HTML test report from them. For example, you can use this task to generate a single test report for all the projects in the build:

task testReport(type: TestReport) {
    destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/all-tests")
    reportOn subprojects*.test

The test report task currently combines test results, but does not aggregate the test results for a given class. So, if a given class is run by multiple Test tasks, only one execution of the class will be included in the report and the other executions of that class will be discarded. This will be addressed in a later Gradle version.

For more details, see the user guide

Generate ivy.xml without publishing

The incubating 'ivy-publish' plugin introduces a new GenerateIvyDescriptor task generates the Ivy metadata file (a.k.a. ivy.xml) for publication. The task name for the default Ivy publication is 'generateIvyModuleDescriptor'.

This function used to be performed internally by the PublishToIvyRepository task. By having this function be performed by a separate task you can generate the ivy.xml metadata file without having to publish your module to an Ivy repository, which makes it easier to test/check the descriptor.

The GenerateIvyDescriptor task also allows the location of the generated Ivy descriptor file to changed from its default location at ‘build/publications/ivy/ivy.xml’. This is done by setting the destination property of the task:

apply plugin: 'ivy-publish'

group = 'group'
version = '1.0'

// … declare dependencies and other config on how to build

generateIvyModuleDescriptor {
    destination = 'generated-ivy.xml'

Executing gradle generateIvyModuleDescriptor will result in the Ivy module descriptor being written to the file specified. This task is automatically wired into the respective PublishToIvyRepository tasks, so you do not need to explicitly call this task to publish your module.

The new ‘maven-publish’ plugin

The new incubating ‘maven-publish’ plugin is an alternative to the existing ‘maven’ plugin, and will eventually replace it. This plugin builds on the new publishing model that was introduced in Gradle 1.3 with the ‘ivy-publish’ plugin. The new publication mechanism (which is currently “incubating”, including this plugin) will expand and improve over the subsequent Gradle releases to provide more convenience and flexibility than the existing publication mechanism plus very powerful features to wire your components across builds & teams.

In the simplest case, publishing to a Maven repository looks like:

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'

group = 'group'
version = '1.0'

// … declare dependencies and other config on how to build

publishing {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ''

To publish, you simply run the publish task. The POM file will be generated and the main artifact uploaded to the declared repository. To publish to your local Maven repository (ie 'mvn install') simply run the publishToMavenLocal task. You do not need to have mavenLocal in your publishing.repositories section.

To modify the generated POM file, you can use a programmatic hook that modifies the descriptor content as XML.

publications {
    maven {
        pom.withXml {
            asNode().appendNode('description', 'A demonstration of maven POM customisation')

In this example we are adding a ‘description’ element for the generated POM. With this hook, you can modify any aspect of the POM. For example, you could replace the version range for a dependency with the actual version used to produce the build. This allows the POM file to describe how the module should be consumed, rather than be a description of how the module was built.

For more information on the new publishing mechanism, see the new User Guide chapter.


Changing certain task configuration during and after execution

Much of a task's configuration influences how, or even if, a task should execute. After the task has executed, changing the configuration has no useful effect. For example, it does not make sense to add an action via the doFirst() method to a task that is executing or has already executed. Changing such configuration has been deprecated and this will become an error condition in Gradle 2.0.

Potential breaking changes

DependencyReportTask and DependencyInsightReportTask no longer fail when dependencies cannot be resolved

Previously, these tasks types would fail if one or more dependencies could not be resolved. Now, they no longer fail and instead display the failed dependencies in the appropriate place in the output.

DependencyInsightReportTask throws better exception on bad configuration

Previously, when the task's configuration was invalid a ReportException would be thrown when the task started to execute. For consistency with other tasks, it now throws a InvalidUserDataException.

Copying a Configuration also copies its resolution strategy

Previously, a copied Configuration object shared the same resolutionStrategy object as the Configuration that it was copied from. This meant that changes to resolutionStrategy of the source or the copy effected both instances and resulted in undesirable side affects. Copying a Configuration now also creates a discrete copy of the resolutionStrategy.

Removed Jvm.getSupportsAppleScript()

In the deprecated internal class org.gradle.util.Jvm the method getSupportsAppleScript() has been removed.

If you need to check if the running JVM supports AppleScript, you can use the following code:

import javax.script.ScriptEngine
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager

ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("AppleScript");
boolean isAppleScriptAvailable = engine != null;

Changes to new Ivy publishing support

Breaking changes have been made to the new, incubating, Ivy publishing support.

Previously, it was possible to set the descriptorFile property on an IvyPublication object. This property has been removed with the introduction of the new GenerateIvyDescriptor task. To specify where the ivy.xml file should be generated, set the destination property of the GenerateIvyDescriptor task.

Previously all configurations of the project were published. Now, only the ‘archives’ configuration together with the ‘default’ configuration and its ancestors will be published. In practice, this means that a Java project's testCompile and testRuntime configurations will no longer be published by default.

Changed default value for TestNGOptions.useDefaultListeners

The default value for TestNGOptions.useDefaultListeners has changed from true to false so that Gradle can take over generation of the reports. This way Gradle can provide invaluable improvements to the reporting - for more information read the earlier section on TestNG reports.

Updated default versions of Checkstyle and CodeNarc

The default version of Checkstyle used for the 'checkstyle' plugin has been updated from 5.5 to 5.6.

The default version of CodeNarc used for the 'codenarc' plugin has been updated from 0.16.1 to 0.18.

eclipseWtpComponent task overrides dependent modules

Previously, the eclipse-wtp plugin's eclipseWtpComponent task would add generated dependent-module entries to those already contained in the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file. This could lead to stale and duplicated entries (see GRADLE-2526). Now, existing entries are overridden with generated entries, just like it's done for classpathentry elements in .classpath files.

External contributions

We would like to thank the following community members for making contributions to this release of Gradle.

  • Sébastien Cogneau - Contributing the java-library-distribution plugin
  • James Bengeyfield - showViolations flag for Checkstyle task (GRADLE-1656)
  • Dalibor Novak - m2compatible flag on PatternRepositoryLayout (GRADLE-1919)
  • Brian Roberts, Tom Denley - Support multi-line JUnit test names (for better ScalaTest compatibility) (GRADLE-2572)
  • Sean Gillespie - Extend the application plugin to build a tar distribution

We love getting contributions from the Gradle community. For information on contributing, please see

Known issues

Known issues are problems that were discovered post release that are directly related to changes made in this release.

Retrieving the known issue information for 1.4 …